- MIKE MATHER - Waikato Times - 29/01/2014
The book tells the story of the titular kiwi and his sidekick Gilbert the gecko, who cross paths with the evil Gregor, a grey wolf from Europe, and his henchmen.
Martin said project was no spur-of-the-moment endeavour and the book would hopefully be the first of many.
"I knew he had to be a kiwi, a real icon of New Zealand, but he had to be a little bit different."
Martin said he was influenced by the comics he read as a youngster, including the 2000AD series, and Terry and the Gunrunners, created by New Zealanders Stephen Ballantyne and Bob Kerr.
"We have been distributing Flight of the Kiwi in bookstores ourselves and it seems to be becoming pretty popular. It seems the word is really starting to get out there."
The full article can be viewed on the Stuff.co.nz website.